
Academic English 10 - March 17-21

Monday - Vocab. List #10 Reviewed/Worksheet #10 Distributed; Lessons Learned from Ch. 1-11 Activity (To Kill a Mockingbird)
HOMEWORK - Vocab. Worksheet #10 Due Tomorrow

Tuesday - Continued Reading/Discussion of To Kill a Mockingbird
HOMEWORK - Complete any reading assignments given in class; Keep up with study guide related to novel

Wednesday - Continued Reading/Discussion of To Kill a Mockingbird
HOMEWORK - Complete any reading assignments given in class; Keep up with study guide related to novel

Thursday - Vocab. Worksheet #10 Reviewed; Continued Reading/Discussion of To Kill a Mockingbird
HOMEWORK - Vocab. Test #10 Tomorrow; Complete any reading assignments given in class; Keep up with study guide related to novel

Friday - Vocab. Test #10; List #11 Distributed; Continued Reading/Discussion of To Kill a Mockingbird
HOMEWORK - Complete any reading assignments given in class; Keep up with study guide related to novel; Vocab. Definitions #11 Due Wednesday