
Practical Literature 10 - Sept. 6-9

Monday - No School (Labor Day)

Tuesday - Begin reading "The Lottery" (mood, foreshadowing, symbolism, irony, theme)

Wednesday - Finish reading/discussing "The Lottery"

Thursday - Begin reading "The Masque of the Red Death" (p. 82) (symbolism, mood, irony, theme)

Friday - Finish reading/discussing "The Masque of the Red Death"

Academic English 10 - Sept. 6-9

Monday - No School (Labor Day)

Tuesday - Types of Nouns; "The Lottery" (mood, symbolism, foreshadowing, plot)
HOMEWORK - Vocab. Definitions for List #1A Due Tomorrow

Wednesday - Continue "The Lottery"

Thursday - Types of Pronouns

Friday - Vocab. List #1A Review; Vocab. Worksheet #1A Distributed; Pronouns Reviewed
HOMEWORK - Vocab. Worksheet #1A Due Tuesday

General English 10 - Sept. 6-9

Monday - No School (Labor Day)

Tuesday - Types of Nouns; "The Lottery" (mood, symbolism, foreshadowing, plot)
HOMEWORK - Vocab. Definitions for List #1A Due Tomorrow

Wednesday - Continue "The Lottery"

Thursday - Types of Pronouns

Friday - Vocab. List #1A Review; Vocab. Worksheet #1A Distributed; Pronouns Reviewed
HOMEWORK - Vocab. Worksheet #1A Due Tuesday


Honors English 11 - Aug. 29 - Sept. 2

Monday - Introduction; Discussion of Summer Reading Texts/Study Guide
HOMEWORK - Review for tomorrow's Summer Reading Assessment

Tuesday - Summer Reading Assessment

Wednesday - Course Policies/Procedures; Intro. to American Lit.

Thursday - Intro. to Narrative Accounts; Columbus' Narrative Account (p. 62)

Friday - Equiano's Slave Narrative (p. 44); Vocab. List #1
HOMEWORK - Vocab. Definitions for List #1 Due Wednesday

Practical English 10 - Aug. 29 - Sept. 2

Monday - Intro. to Course
HOMEWORK - Bring a 3-ring binder by next week

Tuesday - Review of Short Story Literary Terms; Review of Plot

Wednesday - Introduce "The Monkey's Paw" and begin reading

Thursday - "The Monkey's Paw"

Friday - "The Monkey's Paw"

Academic English 10 - Aug. 29 - Sept. 2

Monday - Introduction to Course
HOMEWORK - Bring a 3-ring binder by next Tuesday

Tuesday - Review of Literary Terms Related to Short Stories; Review of Plot

Wednesday - "The Monkey's Paw"

Thursday - "The Monkey's Paw"

Friday - Vocab. List #1A
HOMEWORK - Vocab. Definitions Due Wednesday

General English 10 - Aug. 29 - Sept. 2

Monday - Introduction to Course
HOMEWORK - Bring a 3-ring binder by next Tuesday

Tuesday - Review of Literary Terms Related to Short Stories; Review of Plot

Wednesday - "The Monkey's Paw"

Thursday - "The Monkey's Paw"

Friday - Vocab. List #1A
HOMEWORK - Vocab. Definitions Due Wednesday