
Practical English 11 - Jan. 23-27

Monday - Time given in class to write persuasive essay rough draft
HOMEWORK - Final copy of persuasive essay due Thursday (time will be given Tues. and Wed. in class to work on this essay)

Tuesday - Peer Editing Session for Persuasive Essay; Begin Vocab. List #1 (Terms #1-5)
HOMEWORK - Final copy of persuasive essay due Thursday

Wednesday - Time given to type final copy of persuasive essay
HOMEWORK - Final (typed) copy of persuasive essay due tomorrow

Thursday - Continue Vocab. List #1 (Terms #6-10); Review Nouns

Friday - (Act 80 Half Day) Review Nouns (Common, Proper, Concrete, Abstract, Common); Continue Vocab. List #1 (Terms #11-15)