
Mrs. Anderson's Google Classroom Codes

Below are the links and codes to join Google Classroom for each class period I teach.  
Click on the title of your class period to be taken to the page where you will need to enter the code to join the class (you will need to be signed into your NS gapps account.) 

Please make sure you are joining the correct grade level/class period.  

Academic English 10, Period 3 - ky5qqpb

Academic English 10, Period 8 - y2hs7bl

Basic English 10, Period 6 - qky4s4u

Basic English 10, Period 7 - bxjjdnh

Honors English 11, Period 4 - lwmfoyx

Honors English 11, Period 5  - 4cvuddk

SAT Prep (co-taught with Mrs. Briggs) - vk7g6ql 

Google Meet Office Hours Link - 

(Tuesdays/Thursdays 1-3 PM) 

Link to NS Student Help Center: https://sites.google.com/gapps.northschuylkill.net/nsstudenthelpcenter/home
Check out this site for help with issues using Google Classroom