
Honors English 11 - Feb. 20-24

Monday - No School (Teacher In-Service)

Tuesday - Outlines/Thesis Statements Explained; Abstracts Returned
HOMEWORK - Read/take notes on "To Build a Fire" for tomorrow (reading quiz will be given); Vocab. definitions (#11) due tomorrow; Outline/Thesis Statement (typed) due Friday

Wednesday - Discussion of "To Build a Fire"

Thursday - Introduction to Of Mice and Men
HOMEWORK - Outline/Thesis Statement Due Tomorrow; Ch. 1&2 of Of Mice and Men Due Monday

Friday - Time given in class to read Ch. 1&2 of Of Mice and Men; Vocab. List #11 Reviewed and Worksheet Distributed
HOMEWORK - Read/take notes on Ch. 1&2 of Of Mice and Men for Monday (reading quiz will be given)