Monday - Predicate Adjectives and Predicate Nominatives Explained; Continued reading of Fahrenheit 451
HOMEWORK - Vocab. List #5 Definitions Due Wednesday; Keep up with all reading assigments given in class
Tuesday - Complements Reviewed; Types of Sentences Explained; Continue reading of Fahrenheit 451
HOMEWORK - Vocab. Definitions Due Wednesday; Grammar Test on Parts of a Sentence (Ch. 2) Thursday
Wednesday - Parts of a Sentence Review; Continued reading of Fahrenheit 451
HOMEWORK - Study for tomorrow's grammar test on Ch. 2 - Parts of a Sentence
Thursday - Grammar Test; Continued reading of Fahrenheit 451
Friday - Vocab. Definitions (List #5) Reviewed; Worksheet #5 Distributed; Continued reading of Fahrenheit 451
HOMEWORK - Vocab. Worksheet #5 Due Tuesday
REMINDER: Three Nonfiction Assignments for November Due Wednesday, 11/30