
10th Grade English - Nov. 25-29

Monday - Unit 3 Introduction (p. 262-263)

Tuesday - Human Rights Discussion (Video, Questions)

Wednesday - Early Dismissal

Thursday and Friday - No School (Thanksgiving Break)

Honors English 11 - Nov. 25-29

Monday - Discuss Declaration; Vocab.
REMINDER:  Abstracts and Thesis Statement for The Crucible Research Writing Assignment Due Wednesday

Tuesday - Rhetorical Devices Reviewed; Franklin's Speech Assigned
HOMEWORK - Finish Franklin's Speech and related questions (if not finished in class)

Wednesday - Abstracts/Thesis Due Today; Early Dismissal

Thursday and Friday - No School (Thanksgiving Break)


10th Grade English - Nov. 18-22

Monday through Friday - Students will use this week to finish their explanatory essays in Google Docs and prepare for and respond to Thursday's school-wide Macbeth performance

REMINDER:  Explanatory Essay must be finished in Google Docs by Monday, 11/25

Honors English 11 - Nov. 18-22

Monday - The Crucible Research Writing Assignment Explained; Databases Reviewed
HOMEWORK - Three Completed Abstracts Due Monday, 11/25

Tuesday and Wednesday - Time to work on researching/abstracts

Thursday - School-wide Macbeth Performance (No Class)

Friday - Age of Reason Introduced; Declaration Assigned
HOMEWORK - Finish abstracts for Monday (if not already finished); Read Declaration for Monday and answer corresponding questions


10th Grade English - Nov. 11-16 (PERIODS 3, 6, 8)

Monday - No School (Act 80 Day)
REMINDER:  Poetry Project Due Tuesday

Tuesday - Poetry Project Due Today; Explanatory Essay Assigned; Pre-Writing Completed
HOMEWORK - Finish pre-writing (if not finished in class)

Wednesday - Complete Introductory Paragraph

Thursday and Friday - Complete Body Paragraphs
HOMEWORK - Finish typing body paragraphs of essay in Google Docs (if not finished in class)

10th Grade English - Nov. 11-16 (PERIOD 7)

Monday - No School (Act 80 Day)

Tuesday and Wednesday - Work on Body Paragraphs of Explanatory Essay

Thursday - Work on Conclusion Paragraph of Explanatory Essay
HOMEWORK - All paragraphs of explanatory essay must be typed in Google Docs by Friday

Friday - Begin Unit 3 (Introduction, p. 262-263)

Honors English 11 - Nov. 11-15

Monday - No School (Act 80 Day)

Tuesday - Discuss end of Act IV of The Crucible; Act IV Vocab.

Wednesday - Act IV Test (Part 1 - Multiple Choice and Quotes)

Thursday - Act IV Test (Part 2 - Essays)

Friday - Research Writing Assignment Explained/Assigned; Databases Reviewed
HOMEWORK - Crucible research writing due Wednesday, 11/27 (via Google Docs)