
10th Grade English - Jan. 2&3

Thursday - Unit 3 Poetry ("Caged Bird")

Friday - Unit 3 Poetry ("Some Advice...")
HOMEWORK - Finish poetry worksheet for Monday (if not finished in class)

Honors English 11 - Jan. 2&3

Thursday - Introduction to The Catcher in the Rye; Literature Circles Explained

HOMEWORK - Read and take notes (according to literature circle role) on Chapters 1-4 of The Catcher in the Rye; Be prepared for a comprehension quiz on those chapters on Monday, 1/6/20

Friday - (Boat Races) Time to read Ch. 1-4


10th Grade English - Dec. 16-20

Monday - "The Censors" Vocab.
HOMEWORK - All work for "The Censors" Due Tomorrow; Quiz Tomorrow

Tuesday - "The Censors" Quiz

Wednesday - Point of View Review Activity

Thursday - School-Wide Volleyball Tournament

Friday -  Early Dismissal (11 AM)

Merry Christmas!

Honors English 11 - Dec. 16-20

Monday - Age of Reason Test Part 1

Tuesday - Age of Reason Test Part 2

Wednesday - Finish test (if more time is needed)

Thursday - School-Wide Volleyball Tournament

Friday - Early Dismissal (11 AM)

Merry Christmas!


10th Grade English - Dec. 9-13

Monday - Vocab. from Speech at the United Nations; Persuasive Techniques Review
HOMEWORK - Persuasive Techniques Quiz Tuesday

Tuesday - Quiz; Elements of Satire Explained

Wednesday - Begin reading "The Censors"

Thursday - Finish reading "The Censors"

Friday - Vocab. from "The Censors"
HOMEWORK - All work from "The Censors" (active reading worksheet & vocab.) due Monday; Quiz Monday

Honors English 11 - Dec. 9-13

REMINDER:  The Crucible Research Paper Due Friday, 12/13

Monday - Franklin's Speech Introduced/Assigned; Rhetorical Devices Reviewed
HOMEWORK - Finish reading Franklin's speech and answering corresponding questions (if not finished in class)

Tuesday - Franklin's Speech Discussed; Vocab.; Persuasive Techniques Reviewed

Wednesday - Propaganda Techniques Reviewed; Visual Propaganda from the Age of Reason

Thursday - Excerpt from The Crisis Assigned

Friday - The Crisis Discussed; Review Sheet for Age of Reason Test Distributed
HOMEWORK - Age of Reason Test Monday (Part 1) & Tuesday (Part 2)


10th Grade English - Nov. 25-29

Monday - Unit 3 Introduction (p. 262-263)

Tuesday - Human Rights Discussion (Video, Questions)

Wednesday - Early Dismissal

Thursday and Friday - No School (Thanksgiving Break)

Honors English 11 - Nov. 25-29

Monday - Discuss Declaration; Vocab.
REMINDER:  Abstracts and Thesis Statement for The Crucible Research Writing Assignment Due Wednesday

Tuesday - Rhetorical Devices Reviewed; Franklin's Speech Assigned
HOMEWORK - Finish Franklin's Speech and related questions (if not finished in class)

Wednesday - Abstracts/Thesis Due Today; Early Dismissal

Thursday and Friday - No School (Thanksgiving Break)


10th Grade English - Nov. 18-22

Monday through Friday - Students will use this week to finish their explanatory essays in Google Docs and prepare for and respond to Thursday's school-wide Macbeth performance

REMINDER:  Explanatory Essay must be finished in Google Docs by Monday, 11/25

Honors English 11 - Nov. 18-22

Monday - The Crucible Research Writing Assignment Explained; Databases Reviewed
HOMEWORK - Three Completed Abstracts Due Monday, 11/25

Tuesday and Wednesday - Time to work on researching/abstracts

Thursday - School-wide Macbeth Performance (No Class)

Friday - Age of Reason Introduced; Declaration Assigned
HOMEWORK - Finish abstracts for Monday (if not already finished); Read Declaration for Monday and answer corresponding questions


10th Grade English - Nov. 11-16 (PERIODS 3, 6, 8)

Monday - No School (Act 80 Day)
REMINDER:  Poetry Project Due Tuesday

Tuesday - Poetry Project Due Today; Explanatory Essay Assigned; Pre-Writing Completed
HOMEWORK - Finish pre-writing (if not finished in class)

Wednesday - Complete Introductory Paragraph

Thursday and Friday - Complete Body Paragraphs
HOMEWORK - Finish typing body paragraphs of essay in Google Docs (if not finished in class)

10th Grade English - Nov. 11-16 (PERIOD 7)

Monday - No School (Act 80 Day)

Tuesday and Wednesday - Work on Body Paragraphs of Explanatory Essay

Thursday - Work on Conclusion Paragraph of Explanatory Essay
HOMEWORK - All paragraphs of explanatory essay must be typed in Google Docs by Friday

Friday - Begin Unit 3 (Introduction, p. 262-263)

Honors English 11 - Nov. 11-15

Monday - No School (Act 80 Day)

Tuesday - Discuss end of Act IV of The Crucible; Act IV Vocab.

Wednesday - Act IV Test (Part 1 - Multiple Choice and Quotes)

Thursday - Act IV Test (Part 2 - Essays)

Friday - Research Writing Assignment Explained/Assigned; Databases Reviewed
HOMEWORK - Crucible research writing due Wednesday, 11/27 (via Google Docs)


11th Grade Honors English - Nov. 4-8

Monday - Act 3 Review (No 4th Period due to assembly)

Tuesday - Act 3 Test
HOMEWORK - Read p. 661-669 of Act 4 for Wednesday

Wednesday - Discussion of p. 661-669

Thursday - Finish reading Act 4; Tragic Hero Explained

Friday - Act 4 Analysis (Questions)
HOMEWORK - Be prepared to discuss Act 4 Questions on Tuesday, 11/12

10th Grade English - Nov. 4-8, PERIOD 7

Monday - Finish reading/analyzing "The Bridegroom"

Tuesday - Explanatory Essay Assigned

Wednesday - Pre-writing for essay completed

Thursday - Intro. paragraph for essay completed

Friday - Begin body paragraphs for essay
REMINDER:  Entire explanatory essay due Friday, 11/15

10th Grade English - Nov. 4-8, PERIODS 3,6,8

Monday - Finish reading and analyzing "The Bridegroom"

Tuesday - Poetry Project Explained

Wednesday through Friday - Time given to work on poetry project
REMINDER:  Project Due Tuesday, Nov. 12th


Honors English 11 - Oct. 28 - Nov. 1

Monday - Discuss Pages 629-640 of Act 3 of The Crucible

Tuesday - Finish reading Act 3

Wednesday - Tragic Hero/Discussion of Act 3

Thursday - Act 3 Vocab.
HOMEWORK - Act 3 Study Guide and Vocab. Due Friday; Act 3 Test Friday

Friday - Act 3 Test

10th Grade English - Oct. 28 - Nov. 1

Monday - Poetry Quiz

Tuesday - Begin reading/analyzing "The Bridegroom"

Wednesday - Finish reading/analyzing "The Bridegroom"

Thursday/Friday - Periods 3,6,8 - Work on Poetry Project; Period 7 - Begin Explanatory Essay (Pre-Writing)

Period 7 Homework - Pre-Writing Due Monday


Honors English 11 - Oct. 21-25

Monday - Act II Vocab. Activities
HOMEWORK - Act II Study Guide and Vocab. Due Wednesday; Act II Test Wednesday

Tuesday - Juniors ASVAB Testing

Wednesday - Act II Test

Thursday - Review rules of punctuation (based on narrative essays)

Friday - Begin Act III (p. 629-640)
HOMEWORK - Finish reading pages 629-640 of Act III and complete corresponding study guide questions for Monday

10th Grade English - Oct. 21-25

Monday - Begin reading "The Raven" (paraphrasing/comprehension)

Tuesday - Finish reading "The Raven" (plot discussion); Begin identifying poetic devices/elements

Wednesday - Discussion/Analysis of "The Raven" and poetic elements/devices; Vocab. activities for "The Raven"
HOMEWORK - All work for "The Raven" due in class Thursday; Poetry quiz Thursday

Thursday - Poetry Quiz

Friday - Begin reading/analysis of "The Bridegroom"


Honors English 11 - Oct. 14-18

Monday - No School (Teacher In-Service)
HOMEWORK REMINDER:  Read Pages 601-610 of The Crucible, Act 2 for Tuesday and complete corresponding study guide questions

Tuesday - Discussion of Pages 601-610; Reading of Pages 610-617

Wednesday - Finish Act 2 (Pages 617-624); Begin Discussion of Act 2 (Questions & Quotes)

Thursday - Finish Act 2 Discussion (Questions & Quotes)

Friday - Act 2 Vocab.
HOMEWORK - Act 2 Study Guide and Vocab. Worksheet Due Monday; Act 2 Test Monday

10th Grade English - Oct. 14-18

Monday - No School (Teacher In-Service)

Tuesday - Review of Poetry Terms

Wednesday - (PSATs 8-11 AM) Finish Review of Poetry Terms

Thursday - Reading/Analysis of "beware: do not read this poem"

Friday - Begin Reading/Analysis of "The Raven"


10th Grade English - Oct. 7-11

Monday - Review of how to respond to an open-ended question
HOMEWORK - Complete open-ended question for "House Taken Over" (if not finished in class)

Tuesday - Vocab. for "House Taken Over"
HOMEWORK - All work for "House Taken Over" Due Wednesday (Packet, Vocab. Worksheet); Be prepared for a quiz on "House Taken Over" on Wednesday

Wednesday - Quiz on "House Taken Over"

Thursday - Poetry Pre-Assessment

Friday - Act 80 Half Day

Honors English 11 - Oct. 7-11

Monday - Act I Review (discussion of p. 587-end); Act I Vocab.
HOMEWORK - Act I Study Guide Due Tuesday; Act I Test Tuesday

Tuesday - Act I Test

Wednesday - Narrative essays handed back/Review of comma/semicolon rules

Thursday - Begin Act II (p. 601-610)
HOMEWORK - Finish reading p. 601-610 an answer corresponding Act II Study Guide questions for Tuesday, 10/15 (if not finished in class)

Friday - Act 80 Half Day


10th Grade English - Sept. 30 - Oct. 4

Monday - Quiz on "Where Is Here?"

Tuesday - Begin "House Taken Over" (Magical Realism explained)

Wednesday - Continue "House Taken Over" (Analyzing Setting and Characters)

Thursday - Finish "House Taken Over"

Friday - Vocab. for "House Taken Over"
HOMEWORK - Finish all work for "House Taken Over" (if not finished in class during the week) and be prepared for a quiz on the story and vocabulary on Monday

Honors English 11 - Sept. 30-Oct. 4

Monday - Begin Act I of The Crucible (p. 566-575)

Tuesday - Read p. 575-587 of Act I

Wednesday - Discuss p. 575-587

Thursday - College Fair for All Juniors

Friday - Finish discussion of p. 575-587 (if necessary); Read p. 587-end of Act I
HOMEWORK - Finish reading Act I for Monday (if not finished in class) and complete all questions on the Act I Study Guide


Honors English 11 - Sept. 23-27

Monday - Puritan Culture Reviewed; "Of Plymouth Plantation" excerpt assigned
HOMEWORK - Finish reading "Of Plymouth Plantation" (if not finished in class) and answer corresponding questions for Tuesday

Tuesday - Discussion of "Of Plymouth Plantation"

Wednesday - The Crucible Introduced (Background on The Salem Witch Trials and The Red Scare)

Thursday - Begin reading The Crucible (p. 563-566)

Friday - Discussion of p. 563-566
HOMEWORK - Read p. 566-575 of Act I for Monday

10th Grade English - Sept. 23-27

Monday - Traditional vs. Modern Gothic Literature; Begin reading "Where is Here?"

Tuesday - Continue reading "Where is Here?"
HOMEWORK - Be prepared for a comprehension quiz on the plot of "Where is Here?" Wednesday

Wednesday - Comprehension Quiz; Discussion of Plot

Thursday - Analysis of "Where is Here?"

Friday - Open-Ended Question and Vocab. for "Where is Here?"
HOMEWORK - Finish all parts of the worksheet for "Where is Here?" (if not finished during the week in class) and be prepared for a quiz on the story and vocab. on Monday


10th Grade English - Sept. 16-20

Monday through Wednesday - Read and analyze "The Masque of the Red Death"
HOMEWORK - Complete all parts of "The Masque of the Red Death" worksheet by Thursday; Quiz Thursday

Thursday - Quiz on "The Masque of the Red Death"

Friday - Character Development Through Dialogue Activity; Traditional vs. Gothic Literature Explained

Honors English 11 - Sept. 16-20

Monday - Vocab. for "Life on the Mississippi"
HOMEWORK - Complete worksheet and vocab. for "Life on the Mississippi"; Quiz on "Life on the Mississippi" Tuesday

Tuesday - Quiz

Wednesday/Thursday - Narrative Writing Assignment
HOMEWORK - Submit narrative writing via Google Docs by Monday

Friday - Introduction to Puritan Culture; William Bradford's Narrative Excerpt Assigned
HOMEWORK - Read Bradford's Narrative and Answer Questions for Monday


Honors English 11 - Sept. 9-13

Monday - Columbus's and Equiano's Narratives Discussed/Evaluation Questions Completed

Tuesday - Vocab. from Equiano's Narrative
HOMEWORK - Finish vocab. worksheet (if not finished in class); Quiz on Columbus's and Equiano's Narratives Wednesday

Wednesday - Quiz (Picture Day)

Thursday - Narrative Writing Activity

Friday - "Life on the Mississippi" Introduced/Assigned
HOMEWORK - Finish reading "Life on the Mississippi" and answer corresponding questions for Monday

10th Grade English - Sept. 9-13

Monday - Introduction to Gothic Literature (p. 6) / Summary Activity

Tuesday - Conclude Summary Activity (Gallery Walk)

Wednesday - Understanding Qualities of Gothic Literature; Begin Reading "The Masque of the Red Death"

Thursday - Continue Reading "The Masque of the Red Death"

Friday - Finish Reading "The Masque of the Red Death"; Identifying/Analyzing Symbolism


10th Grade English - Sept. 2-6

Monday - No School (Labor Day)

Tuesday/Wednesday - Read, analyze, and discuss "Why Do Some Brains Enjoy Fear?"/Evaluating Claims

Thursday - Vocab. from "Why Do Some Brains Enjoy Fear?"
HOMEWORK - Vocab. Worksheet Due Tomorrow; Quiz on "Why Do Some Brains Enjoy Fear?" Tomorrow

Friday - Quiz on "Why Do Some Brains Enjoy Fear?"/Vocab.

Honors English 11 - Sept. 2-6

Monday - No School (Labor Day)
REMINDER:  Read excerpt from "The Way to Rainy Mountain" (p. 521) and answer questions #1-10

Tuesday - Discuss "The Way to Rainy Mountain"; Analyze Poetic Prose

Wednesday - Vocab. from "The Way to Rainy Mountain"
HOMEWORK - Vocab. Worksheet Due Thursday; Quiz on "The Way to Rainy Mountain" Thursday

Thursday - Quiz on "The Way to Rainy Mountain"

Friday - Columbus's and Equiano's Narrative Accounts Introduced/Assigned
HOMEWORK - Read both narrative accounts and answer corresponding questions for Monday


Honors English 11 - Aug. 26-30

Welcome Back to the 2019-2020 School Year!

Monday - Summer Reading Review

Tuesday - Summer Reading Test

Wednesday/Thursday - Introduction to Course; Textbooks Distributed

Friday - Introduction to Narrative Accounts; Excerpt from "The Way to Rainy Mountain" (p. 521) assigned
HOMEWORK - Read narrative excerpt and answer corresponding questions for Tuesday

10th Grade English - Aug. 26-30

Welcome Back to the 2019-2020 School Year!

Monday/Tuesday - Introduction to Course; Textbooks Distributed

Wednesday - Introduction to Unit 1

Thursday - Begin Photo Gallery Analysis

Friday - Conclude Photo Gallery Analysis (District Wide Pep Rally at 1:30 - No 8th Pd.)


10th Grade English - May 13-17

Monday - Review of Propaganda Techniques

Tuesday - Biology Keystone Exams

Wednesday - Biology Keystone Exams

Thursday - Literature Keystone Exams

Friday - Literature Keystone Exams

Honors English 11 - May 13-17

Monday - PD 1 - AP Bio Exam; PD 7 - Introduction to Of Mice and Men

Tuesday - PD 1 - Introduction to Of Mice and Men; PD 7 - Reading Day (Ch. 1&2)

Wednesday - PD 1 - Reading Day (Ch. 1&2); PD 7 - Ch. 1&2 Quiz and Discussion

Thursday - PD 1 - Ch. 1&2 Quiz and Discussion; PD 7 - Continue Ch. 1&2 Discussion/Connotation

Friday - PD 1 - Memorial Day Assembly; PD 7 - Finish Connotation Activity from Thursday

HOMEWORK - Read Ch. 3 for Monday; Be prepared for a plot quiz on Ch. 3


Honors English 11 - May 6-10

Monday - Ch 8&9 Quiz; Ch. 8 Inner/Outer Circle Discussion

Tuesday - Ch. 9 Inner/Outer Circle Discussion

Wednesday - Conclude Ch. 8&9 Discussion; Gatsby Project Explained
HOMEWORK - Gatsby Project Due Tuesday, 5/14

Thursday - Begin Hamlet

Friday - Continue Hamlet (Act I)

10th Grade English - May 6-10

Monday - Begin Keystone Literature Exam Review  - Tone/Mood

Tuesday - Tone/Mood Review

Wednesday - Tone/Mood Review

Thursday - Text Organization Review

Friday - Fact vs. Opinion and Author's Purpose Review


10th Grade English - April 29 - May 3

Monday - Figurative Language in "All Summer in a Day"

Tuesday - Reading/Analysis of "Revenge of the Geeks" (Evaluating Claims, Identifying Counterclaims)

Wednesday - Discussion of "Revenge of the Geeks"; Vocab.
HOMEWORK - All work for "Revenge of the Geeks" due Wednesday; Quiz Wednesday

Thursday - Quiz

Friday -  Begin Keystone Literature Review

Honors English 11 - April 29 - May 3

Monday - Imagist Poetry Assigned
HOMEWORK - Read and take notes on Ch. 7 of The Great Gatsby; Be prepared for a plot quiz on the chapter as well as a literature circle discussion in class

Tuesday - Ch. 7 Quiz; Begin Ch. 7 Discussion

Wednesday - Conclude Ch. 7 Discussion (Key Quotes/Analysis Questions)

Thursday - Discuss Imagist Poetry

Friday - Conclude Imagist Poetry Discussion
HOMEWORK - Read and take notes on Ch. 8&9 of The Great Gatsby for Monday (prepare for plot quiz and inner/outer circle discussion)


10th Grade English - April 22-26

Monday - Unit 2 Poetry Vocab.; Open Ended Questions from Poetry
HOMEWORK - Complete vocab. worksheet and open-ended questions for Tuesday (if not finished in class)

Tuesday - Quiz on Poetry/Vocab.

Wednesday through Friday - Reading/Analysis of "All Summer in a Day"; Figurative Language Review

11th Grade Honors English - April 22-26

Monday and Tuesday - Ch. 5&6 Quiz and Inner/Outer Circle Discussion
HOMEWORK - Read and take notes on Ch. 7 for Monday, 4/29

Wednesday and Thursday - Modernist Poetry Discussed

Friday - Imagist Poetry Introduced and Assigned


10th Grade English - April 15-19

Monday - Test on "The Doll's House"/Diction/Connotation

Tuesday - Understanding the Structure of a Sonnet (Sonnet 18)

Wednesday and Thursday - Reading and Discussion of Unit 2 Poetry - "Sonnet With Bird"/"Elliptical"/"Fences"

Friday - No School

Honors English 11 - April 15-19

Monday - The Great Gatsby Ch. 3&4 Plot Quiz; Begin Ch. 3&4 Discussion

Tuesday - Conclude Ch. 3&4 Discussion

Wednesday - Begin Modernist Poem Discussion

Thursday - Graduation Project Info. Distributed; Continue Modernist Poem Discussion
HOMEWORK - Read and take notes on Ch. 5&6 of The Great Gatsby for Monday; Be prepared for a plot quiz and an inner/outer circle discussion

Friday - No School


Honors English 11 - April 8-12

Monday - Conclude Ch. 1&2 Discussion of The Great Gatsby
HOMEWORK - Read and take notes on Ch. 3&4 for Friday; Plot Quiz Friday

Tuesday - Modernist Poetry Introduced/Assigned
HOMEWORK - Read all Modernist poems and answer corresponding questions for Tuesday, 4/16

Wednesday/Thursday - Work on Resumes in Preparation for Mock Interviews

Friday - Ch. 3&4 Quiz and Discussion


10th Grade English - April 8-12

Monday and Tuesday - Analyzing Diction/Syntax in "A Doll's House"
HOMEWORK - Finish all work for "A Doll's House" for Wednesday; Quiz Wednesday

Wednesday - Quiz on "A Doll's House"

Thursday - Unit 2 Poetry/Introduction to a Shakespearean Sonnet (Sonnet 18)

Friday - Unit 2 Poetry - "Sonnet With Bird"


Honors English 11 - April 1-5

Monday - Introduction to Modernism/The Great Gatsby
HOMEWORK - Read and take notes on Ch. 1&2 of The Great Gatsby for Friday; Be prepared for a comprehension quiz on these chapters

Tuesday and Wednesday - Read and analyze "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"

Thursday - Conclude Prufrock (if necessary)/Time given to read Ch. 1&2 of The Great Gatsby

Friday - Ch 1&2 Quiz and Discussion

10th Grade English, April 1-5

Monday - Intro. to Unit 2 ("Isn't Everyone a Little Bit Weird?"); Claims vs. Counterclaims

Tuesday - Begin reading "The Doll's House"

Wednesday - Finish reading "The Doll's House"

Thursday - Complete Open-Ended Question for "The Doll's House"

Friday - Vocab. Activities for "The Doll's House"