
Honors English 11 - March 5-9

Monday - Discuss "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" (Analysis Questions)
HOMEWORK - Complete "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" Vocab. Worksheet for Tuesday

Tuesday - Introduction to Of Mice and Men (Poem Analysis/Title Explained)
HOMEWORK - Read and take notes on Ch. 1&2 of Of Mice and Men for Thursday (be prepared for a plot quiz on these chapters)

Wednesday - Reading Day

Thursday - Ch. 1&2 Quiz and Discussion

Friday - Conclude Ch. 1&2 Discussion
HOMEWORK - Read and take notes on Ch. 3 for Monday (be prepared for a plot quiz on this chapter)

10th Grade English - March 5-9

Monday - Introduction to Fahrenheit 451
HOMEWORK - Read p. 1-11 and complete note-taking guide/plot questions as you read

Tuesday - Discuss p. 1-11; Continue reading (p. 11-21)

Wednesday - Discuss p. 11-21; Continue reading (p. 21-32)
HOMEWORK - Page 3-32 Note Taking Guide and Plot Questions Due Thursday

Thursday - Reading/discussion of p. 32-40

Friday - Reading/discussion of p. 41-53


10th Grade English - Feb. 26 - March 2

Monday - Satire (Parody and Incongruity); Read "Harrison Bergeron"

Tuesday - Discuss "Harrison Bergeron"

Wednesday - Introduction to Fahrenheit 451

Thursday - Begin reading/discussing Fahrenheit 451
HOMEWORK - Throughout the reading of the novel, complete all reading assignments given in class and keep up with corresponding note-taking guide/plot questions

Friday - Continue reading/discussing Fahrenheit 451

Honors English 11 - Feb. 26 - March 2

Monday - Realism/Naturalism Introduced
HOMEWORK - Read "The Story of an Hour" and answer corresponding questions (if not finished in class)

Tuesday - Discuss "The Story of an Hour"; "The Story of an Hour" Vocab.
HOMEWORK - Quiz on Wednesday for "The Story of an Hour"; Vocab. worksheet due Wednesday

Wednesday - "The Story of an Hour" Quiz; "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" Assigned
HOMEWORK - Finish reading "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" and answering corresponding questions for Thursday

Thursday - Discuss "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge"; Vocab.
HOMEWORK - Quiz on Monday for "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge"; Vocab. worksheet due Monday

Friday - Guidance Presentation (No Regular Class)


Honors English 11 - Feb. 19-23

Monday - Discussion of "The Fall of the House of Usher" Part 1 (p. 308-319)
HOMEWORK - Finish reading "The Fall of the House of Usher" and answer all comprehension questions for Tuesday

Tuesday - Discuss "The Fall of the House of Usher" Part 2 (p. 319-end)

Wednesday - Introduction to Realism/Naturalism
HOMEWORK - Read "The Story of an Hour" for Friday; Romanticism Quiz Thursday

Thursday - Romanticism Quiz

Friday - Discuss "The Story of an Hour"; "The Story of an Hour" Vocab.
HOMEWORK - Vocab. worksheet due Monday; Quiz on "The Story of an Hour" on Monday


10th Grade English - Feb. 19-23

Monday - "The Censors" open-ended question collected; "The Censors" Vocab.
HOMEWORK - Vocab. worksheet for "The Censors" due tomorrow; Quiz on "The Censors" tomorrow

Tuesday - "The Censors" Quiz; Poetry - "Caged Bird"

Wednesday - Discuss "Caged Bird"; Poetry - "Some Advice to Those Who Will Serve Time in Prison"

Thursday - Discuss "Some Advice..."; Poetry Vocab.
HOMEWORK - Vocab. worksheet from poetry due tomorrow; Quiz on poetry tomorrow

Friday - Poetry Quiz; "Some Advice..." Rewrite Project


10th Grade English - Feb. 12-16

Monday - Persuasive Techniques Reviewed (No Period 4 - Assembly)
HOMEWORK - Finish all parts of "Speech at the United Nations" worksheet (Periods 3,4,6 and 8) and Persuasive Techniques Review Sheet (Periods 3,6, and 8 only) for Tuesday (if not finished in class)

Tuesday - Persuasive Techniques Reviewed (Review Game); "Speech at the United Nations" Vocab.
HOMEWORK - Quiz on Persuasive Techniques Wednesday (Review PowerPoint notes); Vocab. Worksheet for "Speech at the United Nations" due Wednesday

Wednesday - Persuasive Techniques Quiz; Begin "The Censors" (Satire, Understatement, Hyperbole)

Thursday - Continue "The Censors"

Friday - Conclude/Discuss "The Censors"; "The Censors" Vocab.
HOMEWORK - Quiz on "The Censors" on Monday

Honors English 11 - Feb. 12-16

Monday - Work on Transcendentalism Project (No Period 7 - Assembly)
HOMEWORK - Transcendentalism Project Due Friday, 2/16

Tuesday - Introduction to Romanticism; Longfellow Poetry
HOMEWORK - Read the beginning of "The Devil and Tom Walker" for Wednesday (pages 1-3)

Wednesday - Discuss the beginning of "The Devil and Tom Walker"
HOMEWORK - Finish reading "The Devil and Tom Walker" for Thursday and answer corresponding questions

Thursday - Discussion of "The Devil and Tom Walker"

Friday - "The Fall of the House of Usher" (p. 308 - top of p. 319) Assigned
HOMEWORK - Finish reading the first part of "The Fall of the House of Usher" for Monday and answer corresponding comprehension questions


10th Grade English - Feb. 5-9

Monday - Malala Yousafzai's "Speech at the United Nations" Assigned
HOMEWORK - Finish reading speech and answering corresponding questions (if not finished in class)

Tuesday - Discuss "Speech at the United Nations"; Review Persuasive Techniques
HOMEWORK - Quiz on Persuasive Techniques Wednesday

Wednesday - Persuasive Techniques Quiz; Begin "The Censors"

Thursday - Continue "The Censors"

Friday - Discuss/Conclude "The Censors"; "The Censors" Vocabulary
HOMEWORK - Quiz on "The Censors" and corresponding vocabulary on Monday

Honors English 11 - Feb. 5-9

Monday - Discuss Emily Dickinson Poetry; Transcendentalism Project Explained
HOMEWORK - Transcendentalism Project Due Tuesday, 2/13

Tuesday - Introduction to Romanticism; Longfellow Poetry

Wednesday - Explanation of Faust Legend; "The Devil and Tom Walker" Introduced/Assigned
HOMEWORK - Read "The Devil and Tom Walker" for Thursday and answer corresponding questions; Be prepared for a comprehension quiz on Thursday

Thursday - Comprehension Quiz; Discussion of "The Devil and Tom Walker"

Friday - "The Fall of the House of Usher" Introduced/Assigned
HOMEWORK - Read "The Fall of the House of Usher" for Tuesday, 2/13, and answer corresponding comprehension questions (time will also be given in class to read on Monday, 2/12); Transcendentalism Project Due Tuesday, 2/13