
Honors English 11 - Feb. 29 - March 4

Monday - Quiz on "To Build a Fire"; Discussion of "To Build a Fire"

Tuesday - Introduction to Of Mice and Men
HOMEWORK - Read and take notes on Ch. 1&2 of Of Mice and Men for Thursday

Wednesday - Vocab. List #6 Reviewed/Worksheet #6 Distributed

Thursday and Friday - Ch. 1&2 Quiz and Discussion
HOMEWORK - Read and take notes on Ch. 3 of Of Mice and Men for Monday

Academic English 10 - Feb. 29 - March 4

Monday - Poetry Review; Time to work on lyric poem project
HOMEWORK - Study for poetry test tomorrow

Tuesday - Poetry Test

Wednesday - Introduction to To Kill a Mockingbird (historical and legal background)

Thursday and Friday - Begin reading, analyzing, and discussing To Kill a Mockingbird
HOMEWORK - Complete any reading assignments given in class; Keep up with Ch. 1-8 note-taking guide

Basic English 10 - Feb. 29 - March 4

Monday - Poetry Test

Tuesday - Note-Taking and Databases Explained for Research Writing Project

Wednesday through Friday - Time given in computer lab to locate sources and take notes for research writing project
REMINDER:  Note-Taking Guides Due Wednesday, March 9th


Academic English 10 - Feb. 22-26

Monday - Finish reading and analyzing "The Bridegroom" (narrative poetry)
HOMEWORK - "The Bridegroom" Packet Due Tuesday (if not finished in class)

Tuesday and Wednesday - Reading and analyzing of Sonnets 18 and 116

Thursday - Reading and analyzing of narrative poetry ("La Belle Dame sans Merci")

Friday - Create a Lyric Poem Project

REMINDER:  Three Nonfiction Assignments Due Monday, 2/29

Honors English 11 - Feb. 22-26

Monday - "The Outcasts of Poker Flat" Discussed
HOMEWORK - Read and take notes on "The Story of an Hour" for Tuesday

Tuesday - "The Story of an Hour" Discussed; "To Build a Fire" Assigned
HOMEWORK - Read and take notes on "To Build a Fire" for Thursday (Reading Comprehension Quiz Thursday)

Wednesday - Time given in class to read and take notes on "To Build a Fire"

Thursday - "To Build a Fire" Quiz and Discussion

Friday - Of Mice and Men Introduced; Inner/Outer Circles Explained and Assigned
HOMEWORK - Read and take notes on Ch. 1&2 of Of Mice and Men for Monday (Prepare for Inner/Outer Circle Discussion)

Basic English 10 - Feb. 22-26

Monday - Continue reading and analyzing narrative poetry ("The Bridegroom")
HOMEWORK - Finish "The Bridegroom" packet for Tuesday (if not finished in class)

Tuesday - Research writing assignment introduced; "The Bridegroom" discussed (packet collected)
HOMEWORK - Choose a topic for the research writing assignment by Friday (2/26)

Wednesday and Thursday - Reading and analyzing of Sonnets 18 and 116
HOMEWORK - Choose a topic for the research writing assignment by Friday (2/26)

Friday - Reading and analyzing of narrative poetry ("La Belle Dame sans Merci")
HOMEWORK - Poetry Test Monday (Review poetic devices in PowerPoint as well as poetry handouts/worksheets)


Honors English 11 - Feb. 15-19

Monday - No School (Presidents' Day)
HOMEWORK - Transcendentalism Written Response Due Tuesday

Tuesday - Introduction to Realism/Naturalism

Wednesday - Reading of "The Outcasts of Poker Flat"
HOMEWORK - Finish reading and taking notes on "The Outcasts of Poker Flat"

Thursday - Discuss "The Outcasts of Poker Flat"

Friday - "To Build a Fire Assigned" (Time given in class to begin reading)
HOMEWORK - Read and take notes on "To Build a Fire" for Monday (Quiz Monday)

Academic English 10 - Feb. 15-19

Monday - No School (Presidents' Day)

Tuesday - Continue reading and analyzing lyric poetry; Vocab. List #7 Reviewed/Worksheet #7 Distributed
HOMEWORK - Vocab. Worksheet #7 Due Wednesday

Wednesday - Reading and analyzing of narrative poetry ("The Bridegroom")

Thursday - Continued reading and analyzing of narrative poetry; Vocab. List #7 Reviewed
HOMEWORK - Vocab. Test #7 Friday

Friday - Finish reading and analyzing narrative poetry; Vocab. Test #7; List #8A Distributed
HOMEWORK - Vocab. Definitions #8A Due Tuesday

REMINDER:  Three Nonfiction Assignments Due Monday, 2/29

Basic English 10 - Feb. 15-19

Monday - No School (Presidents' Day)

Tuesday - Continue reading and analyzing of lyric poetry

Wednesday - Reading and analyzing narrative poetry ("The Bridegroom"); Vocab. Definitions #7 Reviewed
HOMEWORK - Vocab. Worksheet #7 Due Friday

Thursday - Continue reading and analyzing narrative poetry ("The Bridegroom")
HOMEWORK - Vocab. Worksheet #7 Due Friday

Friday - Finish reading and analyzing narrative poetry ("The Bridegroom" and "La Belle Dame sans Merci")