
Honors English 11 - Jan. 31 - Feb. 4

Monday -
  • Period 3 - Outlines/Thesis Statements Explained
  • Period 7 - Finish discussing "To Build a Fire"; Outlines/Thesis Statements Explained

HOMEWORK - Draft a thesis statement for your research paper for tomorrow

Tuesday - Read "The Story of an Hour" and Discuss

HOMEWORK - Work on your outline for your research paper

Wednesday - In-Text Citations Explained; "Roman Fever" introduced and distributed
  • HOMEWORK - Read "Roman Fever" for tomorrow
Thursday - Discuss "Roman Fever"; Vocab. Review
  • HOMEWORK - Study for Vocab. Test #9
Friday - Vocab. Test #9; Time Given to Work on Research Paper


Academic English 10 - Jan. 31 - Feb. 4

Monday - Last Day in Library for Research; 3 NONFICTION ASSIGNMENTS DUE TODAY
  • HOMEWORK - Note Cards Due Tomorrow; Vocab. Worksheet #8A Due Tomorrow
Tuesday - Note Cards Due!; Semicolon Usage Explained; Thesis Statements Explained
  • HOMEWORK - Thesis Statement for Research Paper Due Tomorrow
Wednesday - Colon Usage Explained; Outline Explained

Thursday - Vocab. Review; Citations Explained
  • HOMEWORK - Study for tomorrow's Vocab. Test (#8A)
Friday - Vocab. Test #8A; Introductions Explained; Time Given to Work on Outlines/Introductions
  • HOMEWORK - Typed outline and introductory paragraph for research paper due Monday; Vocab. Definitiosn for List #8B Due Wednesday


Practical English 11 - Jan. 31 - Feb. 4

Monday - Verbs Reviewed; Time Given to Work on Narrative Essay
  • HOMEWORK - Rough draft of narrative essay due Friday
Tuesday - Adverbs Explained; Vocab. Worksheet 1-1; Time Given to Work on Narrative Essay

Wednesday - Adverbs Reviewed; Vocab. Worksheet 1-2; Time Given to Work on Narrative Essay

Thursday - Prepositions Explained; Vocab. Review
  • HOMEWORK - Vocab. Test #1 Tomorrow; Rough Draft of Narrative Essay Due Tomorrow
Friday - Vocab. Test #1; Peer Review of Narrative Essays


Honors English 11 - Jan. 24-28

Monday - Intro. to Realism/Naturalism; "The Outcasts of Poker Flat"

  • HOMEWORK - Read "The Outcasts of Poker Flat" and complete notes/questions for tomorrow
Tuesday - Discuss "The Outcasts of Poker Flat"; Introduce "To Build a Fire"
  • HOMEWORK - Finish reading "To Build a Fire" for tomorrow
Wednesday - Discuss "To Build a Fire"; Thesis Statements Reviewed
  • HOMEWORK - Draft a thesis statement for your research paper by tomorrow
Thursday - "The Story of an Hour" (Read & Discuss)

Friday - Vocab. List #9 Reviewed; Outlines Explained
  • HOMEWORK - Draft an outline for your research paper by Monday

Practical English 11 - Jan. 24-28

Monday - Parts of Speech Review (Pronouns); Vocab. List #1

Tuesday - Parts of Speech Review (Adjectives); Vocab. List #1

Wednesday - Parts of Speech Review (Verbs); Vocab. List #1

Thursday - Introduction to Narrative Writing Assignment; Vocab. List #1
  • HOMEWORK - Choose a topic for your narrative essay by tomorrow
Friday - Pre-Writing for Narrative Writing Assignment; Vocab. List #1
  • HOMEWORK - Finish the pre-writing sheet for the narrative essay (if you did not finish in class)


Academic English 10 - Jan. 24-28

Monday - Identifying Subtopics for Research; Semicolon Review; Online Databases Reviewed
  • HOMEWORK - Bring note cards and be prepared to begin taking notes for your research paper tomorrow; Vocab. definitions for List #8A Due Wednesday
Tuesday - Friday - Time will be given in the library for students to take notes for their research paper
  • Reminders - Vocab. Definitions for List #8A Due Wednesday; Vocab. Worksheet #8A Due Tuesday, Feb. 1st


Honors English 11 - Jan. 18-21

10 Abstracts Due Friday, 1/21

Monday - No School (Teacher In-Service)

Tuesday - Vocab. Test #8; Introduction to Realism & Naturalism

Wednesday - "The Outcasts of Poker Flat" by Bret Harte
  • HOMEWORK - Finish reading/taking notes on "The Outcasts of Poker Flat"
Thursday -Discuss "The Outcasts of Poker Flat"; Begin "To Build a Fire" by Jack London

Friday -ABSTRACTS DUE TODAY; Vocab. List #9 Reviewed; "To Build a Fire"
  • HOMEWORK - Finish reading/taking notes on "To Build a Fire" for Monday

Academic English 10 - Jan. 18-21

Monday - No School (Teacher In-Service)

Tuesday - Research Paper Topic Due Today; Vocab. Test #7
  • HOMEWORK - Vocab. List #8A Definitions Due Thursday
Wednesday - Semicolon Usage Explained; Guidelines for Note-Taking Explained
  • HOMEWORK - Vocab. List #8A Definitions Due Tomorrow
Thursday - Semicolon Usage Reviewed; Guidelines for Source Cards Explained; Databases Explained

Friday - Vocab. List #8A Reviewed; Identifying Subtopics
  • HOMEWORK - Be prepared with note cards to begin researching on Monday; Vocab. List #8A Worksheet Due Tuesday

Practical English 10/11 - Jan. 18 - 21

Monday - No School (Teacher In-Service)

Tuesday - Last Day of 2nd Marking Period

Wednesday - First Day of 3rd Marking Period; Rules/Procedures/Introduction to Course
  • HOMEWORK - Purchase a 3-ring binder as soon as possible to use in this course

Thursday -Nouns (p. 3-5)

Friday - Pronouns (p. 5-9)


Midterm Schedule - Jan. 10-13

Monday -
  • Practical Literature 10 Final - 8:00-9:30 A.M.

Tuesday -

  • Academic English 10 Period 6 Midterm - 8:00-9:30 A.M.
  • Honors English 11 Period 7 Midterm 9:40-11:10 A.M.

Wednesday -

  • Honors English 11 Period 3 Midterm 8:00-9:30 A.M.
  • Academic English 10 Period 4 Midterm 9:40 - 11:10 A.M.

Thursday -

  • Academic English 10 Period 5 Midterm 8:00-9:30
Friday - No School (In-Service)