
Honors English 11 - Aug. 30 - Sept. 3

Monday - Introduction to Policies, Procedures, and Course Outline; Distribution of Textbooks
  • HOMEWORK - Bring a one-subject notebook by Wednesday; Review summer reading texts in preparation for tomorrow's assessment

Tuesday - Summer Reading Assessment

Wednesday - Notes on Puritans and their Culture; Begin "Of Plymouth Plantation"

Thursday - Finish "Of Plymouth Plantation"; Puritan Poetry

Friday - "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"

  • HOMEWORK - Open-ended responses based on Puritan lit. due Tuesday

Academic English 10 - Aug. 30 - Sept. 3

Monday - Introduction to rules and procedures of course; Textbook distribution
  • HOMEWORK - Bring a three-ring binder by next Tuesday

Tuesday - Plot diagram review; Notes on literary terms related to short stories

Wednesday - "The Monkey's Paw"

Thursday - "The Monkey's Paw"

  • HOMEWORK - Finish open-ended response question if not finished in class

Friday - Vocabulary List #1

  • HOMEWORK - Vocabulary List #1 definitions due Wednesday

Practical English 10 - Aug. 30 - Sept. 3

Monday - Introduction to rules and procedures of course
  • HOMEWORK - Bring a three-ring binder by next Tuesday

Tuesday - Plot diagram review; Notes on literary terms related to short stories

Wednesday - "The Monkey's Paw"

Thursday - "The Monkey's Paw"

Friday - Vocabulary Work